Some weeks ago I looked into a post about the difference between a travel advisor and a travel agent on Forbes Magazine. And so far, since I decided to develop myself in becoming a Travel Advisor to create trips within Peru and then around the world, I've seen that the term and the number of people related to it are not so famous and high. Instead there are thousands of travel agents around the world, though. And the truth is that the pictures you see online when you search for the terms "travel advisor" or "travel agent" are the same, so it means that the difference is not that big, but it is actually significant. So, after reading posts and watching videos about the profession, I came with my own perceptions and conclusions about the difference -please note that I'll be highlighting more the role of the travel advisor / also called consultant as it is my profession and (for me) it is more dedicated-, Oh, and by the way, this is about my experience as be...