Does this question sounds familiar? I bet you've heard or maybe thought about it some time. According to my research, it's one of the most frequent questions that a travelers wants to know about in order to start planning their trip to Peru and make the best of it with no hurries.

You might've heard of any of those festivites, or maybe not (yes, that was a trick question, I carefully selected those who are not wide well-known in order to start promoting them). Anyways, as they're located within different parts of Peru they have its own essence (tradition, beliefs, foods, etc).

Jauja, the capital before Lima
To be honest, and this might be a surprising response from me to you, dear traveler, but there's no a specific time or date to come visit and enjoy Peru... I mean, as there are three different regions, 24 provinces and every one of them have different climates, for example, here in Lima during the month of february it is very hot as it's summer time, but if we go to Puno, Cusco there is going to be winter season filled with rains; on the other side we have Ticlio, one of Peru's highest points where it's cold all the time, and also at the east, in Loreto, San Martin, you can find an all-year hot weather.
So, if it's the weather what concerns you, I'd suggest that you first take a look about the kinds of seasons and weathers that you can run into according to your travel dates.
Now an advice: Despite the weather conditions you might find, at the end it's all about the experience!
On January, there was a festivity in Jauja so I joined my friends to perform there. As not-so-good our luck was, right before us to get on the stage the rain started, we danced anyways and on our way back to the house we were staying at it was still raining so as we only had our costumes we had to cover ourselves with plastic bags.
I mean, no one was expecting that, but if you're an adventurous traveler like us, then
# T H E W E A T H E R W O N ' T S T O P U S
Finally, another point I'd like to mention that is the reason why there's no an exact time to come visit to Peru is just because of the thousands and thousands different anual festivities that you can find at every single province (depending on the months of course).
So we all know that Peru is a religious country, yeah, but what makes it even richer is the combination of the andean cosmovision along with the spanish christianism that was imposed when they conquered the country a long time ago.. So, as a result, different provinces/places have their own beliefs regarding some specific Saints or Virgins.. and the truth is that those festivities here are one of a kind!
A few reasons why you shouldn't miss peruvian fesivities:
- You connect with the locals in a much deeper special way
- Free and a lots of food!
- Learn about new dances and its special meaning
Candelaria Virgin, celebrated in Puno
And here in Peru there are so many festivities all along the year, let's see some of them (I mean, the most famous ones, please have in mind that there are lots of others):
- January 20th: Tunantada. Where? In Jauja
- February 2nd to 12th: Candelaria. Where? Puno
- June 24th: Inti Raymi, in Cusco & San Juan, in all amazonian regions
- July 16th: the Patron of Lamas. Where? In Tarapoto
- August 31st: Saint Rose of Lima. Where? In the Wayku native community in Lamas, Tarapoto.
- October 31st: Criolla music festival. Where? In Lima.
Besides, an important thing to remember and a great advantage about having too many options to enjoy in a country is that IT REALLY MOTIVATES YOU TO COME BACK DURING DIFFERENT TIMES, right?
Let's see an example, let's say that you're dying to see the Inti Raymi because of the inca representation coming to life in its place of origin (Cusco), but also you are curious about how it is like the Fiesta de San Juan and the food, music and other things that the amazon has, and sadly, both of them are in the same month and date... Lucky for you, those festivities happen every year so you can remain at peace and book your trip to the Inti Raymi this year and then make an effort to live the Fiesta de San Juan next year. See? It's about balancing.
This was an exciting moment because for the first time in my life someone asked me for a picture ♥ Yeah, it might seem non-sense but it's meaningful for me. Thanks to the Mamita Candelaria
(Festivity of the Virgin Candelaria, Puno. February 2020).
So it's totally up to you!! Just pick a date according to your time off and contact us to start planning your trip for you to enjoy the hidden gems of Peru and who knows! If your dates are the same as one festivity we can create a memorable experience for you!
See you soon!
Kusikuy Travel Team
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