Every 30th of May, Peru celebrates a very special day honouring one of its most nutritious and varied foods: The potato! I'll start with the following fact: Did you know Peru has 3,000 potato varieties between the 5,000 types that exist in the world? This post is made to bring awareness about this delicacy, a gift from the pachamama , as the incas would say. Stay here to learn about its health benefits as well as some big heroes. YAS! There are different shapes, colors, flavors... Some people say that the darker they are on the inside the healthier they are, but the truth is that each color has its own nutrients and specific characteristics. Funny story!: There was one day when my mom was cooking and she suddenly called me and told me to go to back to the farmers market because she got "bad" potatoes from the vendor, so she showed me and they had the purple color on the inside.. I was not fully convinced that they were actually bad but anyways I went so she can be more su...